Then (file://Disk/Cache/,file://Disk/ATVEFCache/, file://Disk/Borwser/) ^ Then (file://Disk/Cache/,file://Disk/Free/, file://Disk/ATVEFCache/, file://Disk/Borwser/) ^ Then (file://Disk/Cache/,file://Disk/Free/, file://Disk/ATVEFCache/, file://Disk/Borwser/, file://Disk/Demo/) ^ Then (file://Disk/Cache/,file://Disk/Free/, file://Disk/ATVEFCache/, file://Disk/DOOMRom/, file://Disk/Borwser/, file://Disk/Demo/) ^ Beging of drive history (Oldest!) (end of drive) (file://Disk/Free/, file://Disk/jack/, file://Disk/DOOM/, file://Disk/Borwser/, file://Disk/Music/) Possible Partitions: timnboot Browser free DiskCache DoomROM JackROM ATVEFCache Partition APPRom Booter Command: This could be just for games or to boot a appROM image into RAM. As I theorized that AppROM just extended the booROM browser. Indeed DOOM and JACK are relative to the actual browser AppROM but not to be determined untill further investigation of the found HD data can we determin if it extends the BootROM (mini-browser) browser. client:boota? args=-flags (Not Required) This is the arguments used to boot the AppROM image. You can look at these like DOS arguments or unix. &partition=PARTNAME (Required) Specifies the partition to boot from. &size=PARTSIZE (Required?? If this is not specified im quessing it grabs the length data from a partition table.) Specifies how large the partition is. Normaly the size it used to get the entire file off the hd and not miss any data. A file system will use the offset info to get the begining of a file or partition and lenght to find the end. &source=BOOTTARGET (Required??) This specifies if the file is on a file://disk/ file system controled partition to access a ROM image. &onfail=COULN'TBOOTURL (Not Required) Obviosly you should know what this is. Possible bootable partitions: free timnboot DoomROM JackROM ======================== The following directories will be contained in the file://disk/ "dir" file://Disk/Music/, file://Disk/Demo/, and file://Disk/Browser/DiskCache/ are not included. If you would like me to get them please ask. Im not sure if file://disk/ is really a dir or a command. Browser is a partition not a directory and im quessing that the file://disk/ "command?" will call that partition for its info.