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href="client:showalert?sound=none&message=Would%20you%20like%20to%20add%20%3Cblackface%3ESteve%20Perlman%3C%2Fblackface%3E%20to%20your%20address%20list%3F&buttonlabel2=No&buttonaction2=client:donothing&buttonlabel1=Yes&buttonaction1=wtv-mail:/addressbook%3Faction%3Dedit%26noresponse%3Dtrue%26nickname%3DSteve%2520Perlman%26address%3DStevePerlman%2540webtv.net%26new_address%3Dtrue">(Steve&nbsp;Perlman)</A> <tr> <td valign=top> Date: <td> Fri, Jan 1, 1999, 9:36pm<font size=-1> </font> <tr> <td valign=top> To: <td> Flog-Our-Mink@testdrive.webtv.net (Hildegard M. Hold-the-phone) <tr> <td nowrap valign=top> Subject: <td> Welcome to WebTV! </table> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0> <tr> <td abswidth=10 rowspan=99> <td><br><br><br> <td abswidth=20 rowspan=99> <tr> <td> <p> Hello, and welcome to WebTV! <p> I just wanted to take a moment to welcome you to the WebTV&reg; Plus Network. We were the first company to put the Internet on television, and this year we're continuing to improve that effort by using the Internet to enhance the TV-viewing experience. <p> Here is some important information and a few tips to get you started. <p> I urge you to visit <B>Using WebTV</B>, located on the Web Home page. It contains helpful items like our monthly newsletter, instructions on how to use WebTV's various features, and an introductory tour that I recommend. The tour provides clear explanations of Internet terminology and of WebTV's main features, including a few of the features that make TV viewing more enjoyable. To view it, choose <A HREF="wtv-tricks:tour">Internet tour</A>. <p> One of the greatest things about the WebTV Plus receiver is that it keeps getting better the longer you own it. Since the Internet is constantly changing, WebTV offers periodic updates to keep your receiver current with the latest technologies. Occasionally, when you turn on WebTV, you'll be asked whether you want to update. All you need to do is choose the "update now" button, and it happens automatically. It's that easy. <p> You should also know that we've programmed your WebTV Plus receiver to automatically call WebTV during the night to retrieve the next day's TV listings and any e-mail that might be waiting for you. <p> The view button on your remote control takes you quickly back and forth between the TV features and the Web features of WebTV. <p> You might have some Web sites you want to visit immediately. If you know the Web site address (for example, <a href="http://www.webtv.net">http://www.webtv.net</a>), just push the OPTIONS button on the remote control, choose the GO TO button and type in the address. <p> If you don't have a favorite site, here are a few of mine to help you get started: <UL> <LI>I like <A HREF="http://www.msnbc.com/">MSNBC</A> for breaking news and to see the Dateline and Today Show sites. MSNBC, <A HREF="http://www.discovery.com/area/discoverynews/news1.html">Discover News</A> and <A HREF="http://www.pbs.org/">PBS</A> are great sites to visit for insightful news beyond the headlines. <LI><A HREF="http://www.warnerbros.com/">Warner Bros</A> and <A HREF="http://www.eonline.com/">E! Online</A> offer an inside look at the world of entertainment. <LI>When I want to send cool "e-greeting" post-cards to my family and friends, I go to <A HREF=x-wtv-dummy-bad-link:>E-greetings Network</A>. E-greetings are easily accessible from within <B>Mail</B>. <LI>Music on the Web is often in a format called "MIDI." The <A HREF="http://www.keybdwizrd.com/music.html">Music of Cyberspace</A> has some wonderful original MIDI music. <LI><A HREF="http://pathfinder.com/SIFK/">Sports Illustrated for Kids</A> and <A HREF="http://www.girltech.com/">Girl Tech</A> are fun, safe sites for kids to explore. <LI>Looking for someone to e-mail? <A HREF="http://www.whowhere.com">WhoWhere</A> is a nationwide directory of e-mail addresses, and chances are someone you know is listed. <LI><A HREF="http://www.epicurious.com/">Epicurious</A> is a great-looking site with wonderful cooking and travel ideas. There are lots of things to buy online, and some sites give you a taste of the products before you purchase--very cool! <LI>When I want to buy CDs, I go to <A HREF="http://www.amazon.com">Amazon.com</A>. If you want to hear the music before you purchase, choose RealAudio 3.0 as your sound format. When I'm looking for a new book, I visit <A HREF="http://www.barnesandnoble.com/">Barnes and Noble</A>. </UL> <p> Enjoy! <p> Steve Perlman<br> President, WebTV Networks <p> </table> </body> </html> <!-- text below generated by server. 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