MSN TV Previews

Green Home Page

Last Updated: 4/16/03 12:29 pm PST

Hello everyone,

2.8 is nearly fully released, but don't worry, we have a new service to test starting next week. In the early morning hours of Wednesday, April 23, a new service version will roll out to you for testing.

Please visit Service to learn more about the changes in the new service.

As with any testing we do, please work off of the list of Standard Tests. Be sure to report any bugs, inconsistencies, or suggestions ASAP.

- Dave

Updated 04/14/03 4:30 PM PST

Roll Date: Scheduled for early morning on 4/23/03


  • Credit Card Notification - For those paying for service by recurring credit card charge, you will now receive automatic email notifying you when the card has expired. The email will contain instructions for updating the credit card information on-line.

  • Homepage Redesign - You'll notice the new layout, but functionality is unchanged.

  • (fcs/bps only)New TV Listings - Say "Good bye!" to What's on TV and "Hello!" to TV Listings. You will find the new TV Listings tool a much more robust, easy to use tool.

  • Security Enhancements - Many security enhancements have been made. These changes are largely invisible to users, but will improve the overall security of the service.

  • https:// search bug fixed - In the previous service, typing an https: url in the search bar on the homepage would result in an error stating, "The publisher www.https did not respond to your request for information." This bug has been fixed.