6145539: CrashTheSystem 2768: DeleteAllFilesAndReboot 411: URL msntv:/Settings/System/System.html 93288: URL = msntv:/tvshell/Register.html 10000: AutoUpdate URL = msntv:/Connecting/AboutToSynch.html?caller=updatecheck 10001: EMAILCHECK_TASK_CALLER_NAME URL msntv:/Connecting/AboutToSynch.html?caller=mailcheck0 10002: this is mail check different than the one at anchor time URL = msntv:/Connecting/AboutToSynch.html?caller=mailcheck1 7264: clear tellyscript, clearing phone book of the LocalPOP connector 80211: URL = "msntv:/Settings/Network/WirelessAdvanced.html advanced wireless settings bootrom secret codes 2021: direct to advanced tests 8086: ? 3932397: Start Update loop test URL sync-sg1.trusted.msntv.msn.com/syncserver/ 77437: Spooky Dialing Options URL msntv:/Settings/Spooky.html