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Disassemble Your Xbox 360


How to Disassemble Your Xbox 360
Step by Step instructions with pictures.

1. Remove Xbox 360 Faceplate as shown below

2. Remove the bottom left rubber from case.

3. Follow the instruction to insert the XCM opening tool or very small flat head screw driverto the square hole (insert it close to the edge of the hole then turn right as pictured in figure A, and turn left as it shows in figure C)

4. Push the XCM opening tool or very small flat head screw driver into the base grill to take off the right heat panel.

5. Push the XCM opening tool or very small flat head screw driver to the base grill to take off the left heat panel.

6. Take the heat panels apart.

7. Remove Microsoft Sticker/Seal

8. Undo the 4 Buckles on the Front of the console.

9. Push the XCM opening tool or very small flat head screw driver into the indicated holes, press hard to let the top and bottom panels pop apart.

10. Pull apart the 2 halves of the Xbox 360 case.

11. Remove the DVD Drive eject button. (Pull out)

12. As indicated by the arrows, remove the 6 screws by using a TROX 10 driver.

13. Remove the DVD drive bezel..

14. You are Done!! (All parts shown below)