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Custom Mods

  Here are a few Pics of my modded box. I have since removed the skin and gave it a full paint job, looks much better. Updated pics below.

Original Xbox

DVD window mod and jewel mod. Got some lightes in there as well.

Back of my box. I have it set up with 2 hard drives. I use the internal one (80 gigs) for all the fun stuff like running emulators, copying games, XBMP (Xbox Media Player) etc. I use the external one for Xbox live and to repair the clock when it wacks out on me (using font exploit) Hooked up a switch for the HDD power and use a simple IDE male connector to switch ribbons.

Updated Xbox Pics

Here are some pics of my xbox with it's new paint job and matching controller. I used a textured metalic paint. The top of the xbox I sanded down with a light grit sand paper. The front I actually painted over the skin I had on there. I was worried that the paint would not stick or maybe peel but it came out perfact and has been on there for a few months now.

That black thing on the side is my original HDD. I plug that in the back when I want to get on Xbox live.

Custom Fan Mod, keeps everything cool.

Original NES

Here is one of my NES. Custom window mod, put a blue neon light in there also, looks cool and the kids like it!

Atari 5200 Controllers

The one on the left is the original atari 5200 controler and the one on the right is a modded one so I could play Kaboom! and Pole position. Don't know if any of you ever played Kaboom with a joystick but it SUCKS! One of my all time favorite games so this mod was a must! Took apart a 2600 paddle and used the handle and pot out of it. Baught the switch you see on the top so I could shift gears in pole position. It works awesome. Here's how to wire it up.

Nintendo Wii

Nintendo Wii running USB Loader 1.4. Using Western Digital My Passport Essential WDMEW3200TN 320GB Arctic White External Hard Drive. It looks so good with the Wii, like it was made for it!

Mame Cocktail Table Project

I decided to build an Arcade cab from scratch, finally! See the complete project ~~~HERE~~~

NES Advantage Lamp

Used a NES Advantage controller to make a custom Nintendo Lamp. Used a NES power button for pull chain. Looks cool in my game room :)

Atari Flashback 2 Cart Mod

My Atari Flashback 2 modded to accept original 2600 carts. For a how too ~~ Click Here ~~

Tiny Arcade Keychain Mod

Get All Games in one!
~~ Wave 1 ~~ ~~ Wave 2 ~~

More Old School Mods

Other various mods I've done for NES, SNES, Sega Genesis, and more. ~~ Click Here ~~

Just for the hell of it some pics of my latest PC build.