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Nintendo GBA SP


EZFA : EZ-Flash Advance USB

GBA-to-USB EZ Flash Advance Cable and EZFA Relatime Cart at the time of this writing is the only Gameboy Flash Card SET with built in realtime clock + calendar for Pokemon Ruby & Saphire roms and other games and applications that can use RTC. 128M, 256M and 512M cart capacity available.

EZF Advance has been developed based on experience on EZ, it is a completely new design, not compatible with EZ, it has many enhancement on details, so it made more perfect.

ezfa connected to gba sp

EZFA Connected to GBASP

ezf advance client software

EZF Advance Client on PC / Win

ezfa in gbasp

EZF Advance Realtime Cart fits perfectly into any GBA or GBASP

ezf advance loader for selecting gba roms

EZFAdvance Loader in GAMEBOY
Pre-Boot / ROM selection menu



1. Operates on a single USB to GBA link port cable, the most portable fashion device for your package, GBA and GBA SP compatible.
2. Realtime clock and calendar built-in, perfect for Pokemon and future RTC compatible games, and also ideal for third-party PDA-like applications.
3. Fastest data transfer rate on the market, only 42s needed for reading or writing a 64M game.
4. Play small games no greater than 2M directly via cable, no cart needed, best solution for developers, FC emu games and ebook applications.
5. Hardware saver support, perfect support for all kinds of current and future saver types, and all games. (SRAM, EEPROM, Flash, ...)
6. Faster and higher density flash chips mounted, smooth operation for all time critical games, no speed patch needed. And 128M, 256M and 512M cart capacity available.
7. The EZFA cable is ready to go for future GBA-Internet interactive applications, more fun you can have with your EZFA.

1. Single USB to GBA link port cable operation, most portable fashion device for your package, GBA and GBA SP compatible.
2. Realtime clock and calendar on, perfect experience for Pokemon and future RTC compatible game, and also ideal for third-party PDA like applications.
3. Fastest data transfer rate in market, only 42s needed for reading or writing a 64M game.
4. Play small game not greater than 2M directly via cable, no cart needed, best solution for developers, FC emu games and ebook applications.
5. Hardware saver support, perfect support for all kind of current and future saver types, and all games.
6. Faster and higher density flash chips mounted, smooth for all time critical games, no any speed patch needed. And 128M, 256M and 512M cart capacity available.
7. The EZFA cable is ready to go for future GBA-Internet interactive applications, more fun you can find with EZFA.

Installation Manual:
1. Download EZFA Cable driver and Windows client software from this site.
2. Plug the cable on the USB port of your computer and install the cable driver following the instructions on your PC, when done, unzip and copy the Windows client software to any directory you like.
3. Insert your EZFA cartridge into your GBA, and plug the cable into your GBA too, run the client software, then press the select and start buttons of GBA simultaneously and turn it on, if all the steps are done properly, the client should be connected to your GBA, then you can operate your cart via the client software.

EZF Advance Linker Realtime Flash Card


Download EZFA Software Drivers v1.03E

EZ-Flash Advance FAQ

  • Is the EZF Advance a good choice to buy? If not, which one should I buy?
    At the moment I would suggest EZFA as the best buy, because of all the new features not found in older Linkers and Cards (Realtime clock, Can use Link cable as multiboot etc.) Plus to that this is also one of the cheapest linkers that you can find - a combination you don't find too often!
  • Is the EZF Advance rewritable? If so how many time would I be able to write and rewrite on it?
    Yes - all GBA / GBA SP flash cards are rewritable and the flash memory has no limit on the times it can be written. Manufacturers guarantees more than 10 000+ write/erase sessions, so you can calculate how many years it will take to kill this card ;)
  • Does the Little Writer program work with EZF Advance?
    No - at the moment there is no support from LittleWrite for EZFlash USB, but the EZF Advance Client is really nice advance peace of software built with the experience Borden had programming the older EZ-Flash soft.
    (from the new linkers/cards the XG-Flash is supported by Little Writer)
  • Can I upload games to my computer using the EZF Advance?
    Yes off course you can backup any Nintendo Gameboy Advance / SP cartridge to PC! That is the main purpose of GBA Linkers - backuping gba game roms! The fact that you can use it to write roms to the flash card is just a bonus, but what a bonus that is!
  • Is it compatible with a GBA SP? (Just want to make sure).
    Yes 100% GBA SP compatible. All the new linkers are SP compatible. The only one that had problems with compatibility was the old Printer Port version of Flash2Adavnece F2A.
  • Can I download save files to an EZF Advance cart?
    Yes, just like with the rest of the backup devices you have the ability to backup / restore save game data from both original Nintendo and also Flash cartridges
  • Is there a converter of Videos to .gba that can be used with the EZF Advance?
    At the moment there is NO simple way to convert movies to the .gba format, but I will write about this a bit more later.
  • Connecting it to the GBA works, but what about connecting it to the Game Cube, would it work?
    The flash card will work with the Game Cube and Gameboy Player for GC just like any normal cart would. There is no difference. All the functions of a regular cartridge are emulated including linking multiplayer games and using the carts to play games on Game Cube.
  • Does the internal battery on an EZF Advance run out very quickly? If so, is it possible to replace?
    Yes it is possible to replace it, but you will have no need to do this - battery recharges every time you use the flash card, so it will last for a very very long time.
  • Does the EZF Advance run (drains) your GBA's battery fast or not?
    NO not really. Some of the first Flash Advance Cards that were made 2 years ago were using a different type of memory and that indeed drained batteries twice as fast as a Nintendo game card would, but the new cartridges are not sow power hungry. From my observation they do drain the batteries maybe ~20% faster, but that also depends on how intensively and how often you play.
  • I read that you have to patch roms you wish to play, do I have to patch roms when using the EZF Advance?
    NO. Old cards needed patches for speed and game saves to work, the new ones EZF, XG, EZ, Wise Box, Xtreme, FA Pro, Turbo DO NOT need any patches  - they run at full speed. Some games do require a patch for game saves, but nowadays these are patched AUTOMATICLY buy the writer software, so you will not see it or have to do anything connected with patching unless you want to add cheats, trainers or translations to the game roms!
  • Does the use of this cartridge damage a GBA or GBA SP in anyway?
    If so, is it serious?

    NO WAY! Unlike PC that has a hard disk Gameboy only has built in RAM memory that is used when the power is ON and lost every time you turn it OFF so if you run it with some 3rd party software or a flash card all info about it will be gone when you turn it off. There are NO viruses for gameboy!